Misiune si Viziune

Ne dorim ca prin acest blog si activitatea noastra de voluntariat, sa va povestim cate ceva din lumea catelusilor din adaposturi si a celor care incearca sa-i ajute sa duca o viata mai buna, prin adoptie la distanta.

luni, 3 iunie 2013

Povestea trista a celor 3 "tiganusi" l The sad story of 3 "gypsy" brothers

English version below:

In luna martie a acestui an, i-am gasit pe acesti trei catelusi abandonati la marginea unui drum intens circulat. I-am luat de acolo la timp ca sa le salvam viata.
De atunci le tot cautam, fara succes, camine bune lui Luca (mascul alb cu pete maro inchis), Lewis (mascul maro ciocolatiu) si Lolei (femela, maro inchis tigrat).

Luca, Lewis si Lola (cei 3 "tiganusi") s-au nascut in ianuarie 2013 (estimatea medicului veterinar) si au acum 5 luni. Sunt deparazitati, vaccinati si au microcip si urmeaza sa fie sterilizati in saptamanile care urmeaza. Vor fi de talie medie la maturitate, la cel mult 20 kg greutate.

Toti trei sunt niste catelusi foarte sociabili, jucausi si activi, care se inteleg foarte bine cu alti caini.

Luca, Lewis si Lola se afla momentan in Bucuresti, Romania, in cazare temporara la un voluntar si pot calatori in afara Romaniei la finalul lunii iunie 2013.

Va rugam, ajutati-ne sa le gasim camine bune, mediatizand si distribuind povestea lor. Daca nu vor fi adoptati, vor ajunge intr-un adapost pentru caini, din pacate :(

Contact: adoptiedistanta@yahoo.com

Cateva filmulete cu cei 3 "tiganusi" si prietenii lor din foster:

Martie 2013/ March 2013 - When found

Acum/ Now





Back in March 2013, we found these three puppies abandoned near a busy road, in Bucharest, Romania. We took them just in time to save their lives. Ever since, we have been looking for good homes for Luca (male, white with dark brown spots), Lewis (male, chocolate brown) and Lola (female, dark brown with stripes), with no success so far.

Luca, Lewis and Lola (the three "gypsy" brothers) were born on January 2013 (vet’s estimation) and are now 5 months old, dewormed, vaccinated and with microchip. They are scheduled to be neutered in the following weeks. Once adults, they will be medium size dogs, under or at maximum 20 kg weight.
They are all very sociable, playful and active pups, getting along very well with other dogs.

Luca, Lewis and Lola are currently based in Bucharest, Romania, fostered by a volunteer and could travel outside Romania end of June 2013.
Please help finding good homes, by telling and sharing their story! They will otherwise end up in a dog shelter :(

Contact: adoptiedistanta@yahoo.com

Few short videos with the "three gypsy brothers" and their fostered friends:


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